VISITA ÀS EXPOSIÇÕES by Icaro October 02, 2022 0 Mini-hangar, News

Ensino Básico e Secundário e Ensino Superior Artístico

Visits and workshops for the exhibitions are available by appointment. For more information and registration: or +351 93 843 90 60


HANGAR through the Participation Project which includes MINI-HANGAR, an educational and artistic project for children and youth, structured a program of guided tours and workshops to the exhibitions, designed for schools of all levels of education and young adults attend artistic education.

Group Visits to the Exhibition and Talk (45 min.) and Workshop at School (1h30) | Activity for 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle schools, Secondary Schools, Vocational Education and Non Formal Education projects

Group Visits to the Exhibition and Talk (1h to 1h30) | Activity for Specialized Artistic Education and Artistic Higher Education

Guided Visits to the Exhibition (45 min.) | General Public